Private Healing Sessions for Essential Personnel!

Healthcare has changed drastically in the wake of something we were not prepared for: COVID 19 and its devastating effects on society as we once knew it. Not only were we, as healthcare workers, facing a nemesis that took a tragic toll on lives all around us, but we had to adapt, lean in to the warfare and go harder than we’ve ever gone before to save lives…the question I have for you is simple and yet much needed: what has this experience not only taught you, but DONE to you?
This mini series has been specifically designed with the healthcare worker in mind! If you have worked in the field in ANY capacity during the onslaught of this pandemic, this is for YOU! Title does not matter, YOU ARE ESSENTIAL AND IMPORTANT!!! Based on the expertise of a Nurse Mentor, Emotional Healing Facilitator and Educator, this 4 week personal journey will help you deal with the trauma and stress that you experienced as a result of caring for others during the demands of COVID 19 in highly strained environments.
Healthcare & Healing Series
$200 (includes Four 1:1 Guided Personal Healing Sessions!)
Dates: Rolling/Cycles