8-12 Week Youth and Young Adult Programs!

Offering mentoring programs for youth, young adults & families!

8-12 Week Youth and Young Adult Classes

Community-Based Programs

Mind Over Matter (M.O.M)
Mind Over Matter is an 8-12 module program that promotes self awareness, positive decision-making and personal accountability. Challenging participants to think beyond present circumstances they may be facing, M.O.M has successfully been piloted in detention settings and community-based forums with significant demand for more! Gender Responsive

Programming for Females: Far Above Rubies
F.A.R-Girls have very specific needs that must be effectively addressed in order to decrease the likelihood of delinquency and the reality of the highly relative collateral consequences of poor choices and risky decisions. Our Ruby Initiative is a 10 week rites of passage journey specifically designed for females age 12-17 years of age. Teaching young ladies their value and evaluating their belief systems related to womanhood drive the sessions while delving into a framework of personal accountability and self exploration. Leadership development is a key outcome of participation in this program. Pilot response was so great that this effort led to a demand by participant parents to include younger girls! In response to this demand, Garnet Girls was crafted for ladies ages 7-11. The goal of Garnet Girls is to create a safe sharing space that promotes appropriate behavior, hygiene, education and fun! Ruby participants are eligible to become Peer Facilitators to the younger girls upon completion of their passage. This allows for the aforementioned leadership to be groomed as they embrace leading the next generation!

M.O.M II: The Next Level
Programs for Challenged Youth Objective: To be a bridge of support between youth involved in the juvenile/criminal justice system and those charged with the responsibility of ensuring a positive reintegration experience. To assist in the compliance and understanding of youth and families as they navigate the system and provide advocacy and resources for all.

Your Life, Your Skills: Young Adults in Transition
This 8 week program helps young adults develop self-identified strategies that are grounded in personal accountability for success! Parenting Classes are offered in 6 week rotations utilizing the evidence-based curriculum “EPIC: Every Person Influences Children”

And There’s More!

We offer bi-weekly Parent Support Groups ready on demand called “Who’s The Parent?” We also provide Peer Support for court and IEP meetings, individual Life Coaching and Personal Accountability Planning since 2010!!!

Contact Us for Consultation Today!